Alextronic Discovery
Alextronic Discovery
An Electronic Discovery Blog covering News, Articles
and Thoughts for the Legal and Corporate Community Author: Alexander H. Lubarsky, LL.M., Esq. - - Tel. (415) 533-4166 OR 800-375-4222 THIS BLAWG IS NOT AFFILIATED WITH THE WEB SITES WWW.DISCOVERYRESOURCES.ORG OR WWW.DISCOVERYRESOURCES.COM

Tuesday, May 31, 2005

Vote Alextronic!  

Alextronic has been nominated as the best ED Blawg in cyberspace! Please cast your vote for Alextronic my fellow Blawgerheads. You can vote at the Technolawyer Awards and access the ballot at Vote once as they have seem to lost their MD5 hash and don't de-duplicate over there...


posted by Alexander | 7:36 PM


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