Alextronic Discovery
Alextronic Discovery
An Electronic Discovery Blog covering News, Articles
and Thoughts for the Legal and Corporate Community Author: Alexander H. Lubarsky, LL.M., Esq. - - Tel. (415) 533-4166 OR 800-375-4222 THIS BLAWG IS NOT AFFILIATED WITH THE WEB SITES WWW.DISCOVERYRESOURCES.ORG OR WWW.DISCOVERYRESOURCES.COM

Sunday, February 06, 2005

Thanks for hangin' with me Blawgerheads...  


It was a pleasure to meet many of you at the Blawg/Blog and IM session at the New York Hilton. Larry Bodine, my co-presenter, and myself were very, very happy to meet many of you.

Please stay tuned to Alextronic for some substantive posts in the near future...


posted by Alexander | 6:20 PM


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